The Best Gift You Can Give This Christmas

The Christmas season is the most joyous time of the year, but it can also be the most stressful. As you race to find last-minute gifts or scramble to cook a delicious meal, we urge you to take a peaceful moment to remember why we celebrate.
Transforming Futures does Jesus’s work every day in Guatemala. We serve meals to children who are hungry, teach students who have fallen behind, and mentor orphans who are seeking a purpose. We are incredibly grateful that this year we were able to give hope to even more children and teenagers.
Thank you, our generous supporters, for all you’ve done to help us transform children’s lives in 2022. There are truly no words to describe how blessed we are to have you by our side.
And as we reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, we ask you to consider giving a year-end gift to Transforming Futures. With your support, we can reach more children in 2023 and continue to follow in Jesus’s footsteps.